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Brain cancer treatment may lie in reactivating immune cells
After discovering that brain tumors help themselves grow by switching off the brain's immune cells, scientists found a way to switch them on again and increase survival in mice.
Cell phone use linked to lower college grades, anxiety
Frequent cell phone use - for both making calls and texting - is linked to lower grade point averages (GPAs), anxiety and reduced happiness in college students, new study shows.
Air pollution 'kills at levels well below EU guidelines'
Exposure to air pollution can kill at levels below the European Union air quality guidelines, according to a new study. Researchers say the EU should move toward WHO guidelines.
Inflammation in prostate biopsies 'indicates reduced cancer risk'
Men may have a reduced risk of developing prostate cancer if they show signs of inflammation in their initial biopsies, according to a new study.
'Stomach clock' limits food intake to specific times, study suggests
A mouse study from the University of Adelaide suggests that nerves situated in the stomach 'act as a clock,' which limits a person's food intake to specific times during the day.
Compound in grape seed extract 'kills prostate cancer cells'
A compound found in grape seed extract, called B2G2, can successfully kill human prostate cancer cells, according to a study from the University of Colorado Cancer Center.
Almost 600 under-16s take up smoking each day in UK
According to a new study, nearly 600 children aged between 11 and 15 begin smoking every day in the UK. Researchers hope the figures will trigger new smoking prevention strategies.
Pupil size adjusts when we imagine light or dark settings
Our pupil size adjusts when exposed to light and dark surroundings. But new research suggests that pupil size also changes when we imagine environments with different light.