What is ment by "Testtube Baby"?
What are the common causes of infertility?
Important: Infertility can be due to problem in either female, male or both.
Female Infertility:
- Anovulation:
- Hormone Problem:
- Tubal Problem:
- Endrometriosis
Male Infertility:
- In About 40% cases, male is responsible
Where We Are
The first IVF babies of Bangladesh, Heera, Moni and Mukta were born ob 30 May, 2001 at CARe IVF.
The first Intra-Cytoplasmicsperm Injection (ICSI) baby Persa was born at CARe IVF on 20th July, 2001.
In only 3 years, the 100th IVF baby Nazari Mursalin was born on 9th June, 2004.
When to Schedule an appintment with a Fertility Specialist
When trying for pregnancies for one year or more
When 35 years or more and trying to conceive for over six months
When two or more pregnancies are lost
When other fertility treatments have failed
When you know that you have problems related to fertility